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Finland votes for a national butterfly!

Several Finnish nature organizations ask Finnish people to vote for a butterfly to represent the nation. The winner of the vote will be named as the national butterfly of Finland, in honor of Finland’s 100th anniversary as an independent state.

The national butterfly of Finland will be decided by an online vote. All Finns have a say in which butterfly species deserves the national designation.

The project is organized by The Vuokko Foundation for Nature Conservation, Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto (The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation), Suomen Luonto, Suomen Perhostutkijain Seura ry, and Etelä-Karjalan Allergia- ja Ympäristöinstituutti.

Voting takes place from 15 March until 4 June 2017.

The winner will be crowned as the national butterfly of Finland in June 2017.